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Survey and Data Collection System is made of two componets integrated to function together, a web based system and a mobile application for android phones and tablets. The system anables collection of valid and reliable data for researchers from all facets especilally those who use questionaires and interviews. With this tool, the researcher is able to create a questionaire online and define constrains for each question. Once the questionaire or interview is created, the link to the form can be shared to respondents. For some organizations data is collected by several personnel on behalf of the organization. The personnel goes to the respondents and collect data, it is at this stage of data collection where data becomes unreliable and invalid because of errors. The personnel collect data using Survey and Questionnaire Digital Tool mobile application and submit it to the organization in charge real time including the location of where the data was collected from. This enhance validity of the data at this level and minimize paper work and also labor for data entry.

1.2 Problem Statements

Data collection using questionnaires and interviews from respondents is a common activity done my most organizations, learning institutions and government. The data is collected in form of writing where the respondents fill the hard copy forms. This is later taken for data entry. During data entry, errors might occur making data unreliable and invalid. Extra costs and time are also incurred for data entry. This can be solved by collecting the data in soft copy through a hand held device application such as an android phone.

1.3 Objectives

1.     To develop a system that will:
·      Ease the process of data collection using questionnaires and interviews.
·      Keep track of surveys and the data collected in organizations for research purposes.
·      Enable respondents submit accurate data in surveys.
2.     To research about the use of the survey tools, their effectiveness, their features and shortcomings.

3.     To improve survey data collection through mobile and web applications.


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